Raptors, another name for this group of carnivorous birds, are known as birds of prey because they hunt and eat other animals. They are distinguished by their huge beaks, strong talons, and acute vision, all of which are designed to help them grab and devour prey. Many species, including eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, kites, and vultures, are included in this group. Predator birds can be found in a wide range of environments worldwide, including mountains, grasslands, deserts, and woods.
By regulating the numbers of rodents, insects, and other small animals, raptors contribute significantly to the environments they inhabit by preserving a stable ecological balance. They are revered as emblems of strength and power in many cultures due to their magnificent hunting abilities and graceful flying patterns. Furthermore, because of their sensitivity to changes in habitat and food availability, birds of prey are frequently considered to be important environmental indicators.